


The name of the organization shall be called Drukpa Australia Incorporated. It is being incorporated pursuant to the Association Incorporation Act of 2015 in the state of Western Australia.


Drukpa Australia is a not-for-profit organisation. The property and income of Drukpa Australia shall be applied solely towards promoting the purposes of Drukpa Australia and no part of that property or income may be paid or otherwise distributed, directly or indirectly, to any of its members, except in good faith in the promotion of those purposes.


Drukpa Australia will have an indefinite tenure or until such time a resolution of dissolution is passed by a general meeting.

Definitions & Interpretations

In this constitution:
  • Committee means the Management Committee of Drukpa Australia
  • General Meeting means a general meeting of members convened in accordance with Clause 7.
  • Member means a person holding a Honorary Membership or a Full Membership, as defined in Clause 5.1.
  • Drukpa Lineage traces to its founder Tsangpa Gyare Yeshey Dorji (1161-1211 A.D.). Drukpa Lineage emphasizes on the continuity of oral instructions passed on from Guru to student.
  • Centre(s) refers to any real estate property leased or purchased by Drukpa Australia and is (are) primarily used for advancing its objectives.
  • Buddhist functions constitutes conducting ceremonies and rituals for the benefit of individuals or the general public.


In pursuit of advancing spiritual empowerment and happiness through learning and practice of Himalayan Buddhist Vajrayana tradition in Western Australia, Drukpa Australia is established with the following objectives:
  1. Uphold and promote the teachings, practices, and realisation of the Vajrayana Buddhism, and in particular, of Drukpa Lineage;
  2. Establish and/or provide suitable facilities to support the teaching, practice, meditation, and other Buddhist functions for the Drukpa Community and the general community in Perth;
  3. Foster association and collaboration with other Buddhist societies and communities in Western Australia and other parts of Australia with similar objectives as Drukpa Australia;
  4. Create spiritual awareness amongst youths and diverse population group through various activities and events; and
  5. Where possible, support welfare and well-being of individuals and families in Australia and elsewhere, particularly those who are disadvantaged.


In furtherance of the above objectives, Drukpa Australia shall have the power to:
  1. Establish Centre(s) and residential facilities to support the said objectives;
  2. Invite Resident Teachers to reside in any Centre(s)/residences of Drukpa Australia for the periods approved by the Committee;
  3. Provide all necessary material support, protection and requisites (including food, shelter, robes, and medicine) for any visiting teachers invited by Drukpa Australia to Perth;
  4. Pay for the travel expenses to Western Australia for any visiting teachers invited by Drukpa Australia and for return to their normal place of residence;
  5. Accept or refuse to receive donations from individuals, groups, communities and organizations;
  6. Issue appeals for donations and to prepare periodical reports on the functions of Drukpa Australia;
  7. Rent, lease, hire or otherwise acquire the use of any property for such period and at such rent or cost and on such terms and conditions as the Drukpa Australia may think fit;
  8. To insure the property of Drukpa Australia or any part of it against such risks and for such amounts as the Drukpa Australia may think fit;
  9. Enact by-laws, if necessary, to reflect and meet the changing requirements in future;
  10. To open and maintain in the name of Drukpa Australia a bank account or bank accounts at any bank or banks in Perth and other parts of Australia are solely for advancing the objectives of Drukpa Australia; and
  11. Be and remain incorporated pursuant to the Associations Incorporation Acts of Western Australia.
  1. Drukpa Australia shall have a common seal with the full name engraved in legible characters thereon.
  2. The Seal shall be kept in the custody of the two Lead Coordinators and shall be affixed to any official document only under the authority of a resolution of the Committee.
  3. The affixing of the Seal shall be witnessed by at least two members of the Committee and shall be countersigned, if so required.

Spiritual Authority

Gyalwa Dokhampa Jigme Pema Nyinjadh as the founder of Drukpa Australia, shall be the spiritual leader of Drukpa Australia. In the permanent absence of Gyalwa Dokhampa, due to sickness or demise, the spiritual authority of Drukpa Australia shall be transferred to His Eminence Drukpa Thuksey Rinpoche, whose headquarter is based at Druk Sangag Choeling Monastary in Darjeeling, West Bengal, India.

Special Powers

The Spiritual Authority, in accordance with the Vajrayana tradition, shall be the Tsawai-Lam (or Root Guru) for the members and shall
  1. Visit Perth and other parts of Australia to further the said objectives in Clause 2.1, on the invitation of Drukpa Australia;
  2. Conduct public teachings and Buddhist rituals, and special Vajrayana meditation in Perth, on the request of Drukpa Australia;
  3. Appoint members of the Committee on recommendation of the Committee;
  4. Designate resident teachers to Perth periodically, on the request of Drukpa Australia; and
  5. Be the supreme authority, in resolving disputes as in Clause 6.1.

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To accommodate the growing number of interested individuals, families, groups or entities in Perth and other parts of Australia, the following class of members are available:
  1. Honorary Membership may be conferred by the Committee to any visiting teachers or any persons or groups/organisations who have rendered outstanding services to the cause of Buddhism and/or who have contributed to the objectives of Drukpa Australia. The membership may be conferred for life or a limited period of time as decided by the Committee. All visiting residential teachers shall be conferred a Honorary membership up on their arrival in Perth and are entitled to participate in Committee and general meetings;
  2. Full Membership shall be for individuals residing in Perth and other parts of Australia, who are already following or are interested in the practices and methods of Drukpa Lineage tradition or other forms of Himalayan Vajrayana tradition;
  3. A member who has not reached the age of 15 years is not eligible to vote in the general assembly; and
  4. Members may undertake regular practices and meditations held at the Drukpa Australia Centre and elsewhere as indicated by the Drukpa Australia or simply choose to support the objectives of Drukpa Australia by attending/participating in or volunteering for events and activities held from time to time.

Code of Conduct

Members in their day to day life and while participating in Drukpa Australia activities and events shall observe the following three Code of Conduct:
  1. Selflessness: Selflessness embodies both the key principle and conduct of Buddhist tradition. Gyalwa Dokhampa himself said selflessness is, to do everything for the sake of mother sentient beings and nothing for oneself. It is through such practices that one is able to go beyond our mundane conduct and transcend all activities into a spiritual journey. Motivation generated through selfless intent is indestructible and deeply inspiring, it shields one from defilements such as selfishness, anger, ego, desire and ignorance that may lead to conflict both within and with others. Selflessness gives the courage to move beyond hopes and fears, content in our spirited endeavours to benefit all mother sentient beings;
  2. Single Direction: Members shall follow the direction set by the Spiritual Authority, the Committee, and the resolutions passed by the general meetings; and
  3. Harmony: Members work in harmony by living the principle of selflessness and following a unified single direction. They are able to respect each other and are prepared to accept each others differences.
Members shall also demonstrate the highest integrity and honesty, and shall respect and support diverse culture and languages.

Membership Applications

The Committee shall:
  1. Consider all applications for membership and shall from time to time prescribe such forms for membership applications, accompanied by such payments prescribed by the Committee;
  2. Reject membership applications, if the Committee so believes and have sufficient and verified evidence to justify that the applicant has or has shown motives that are against or not in line with the objective of Drukpa Australia. In case of rejection, the fee paid shall be refunded in full to the applicant;
  3. The membership application must be signed by the applicant. If the applicant is below 15 years, the application must include an undertaking from the applicant’s guardian;
  4. full member must pay the annual membership fee to the Finance Coordinators annually or on a monthly basis, by the date determined by the Committee;
  5. Membership fees shall not be collected from members who contribute to the rental and utility costs of operating Drukpa Australia Centre(s) for a duration of three months in a year or as determined by the Committee; and
  6. Drukpa Australia shall also provide the required digital platforms from time to time to submit application forms together with membership fees;
  7. Drukpa Australia shall maintain a register of its members, which shall be kept in the custody of the Finance Coordinators. The membership register shall provide for, name and contact details such as Phone No., email address, and residential address or postal address of the members.

Member Rights & Benefits

All members have the following rights and obligations:
  1. Members shall participate in or attend the Drukpa Australia events and activities such as teachings, meditations and practices held at the Drukpa Australia Centre(s) and any other public events (including teaching, meditation, practices, pilgrimage) hosted by the Drukpa Australia;
  2. Members shall actively participate in practices and meditation programmes regularly hosted by Drukpa Australia;
  3. All members over 15 years are entitled to vote in the general assembly. Members over 21 years and above can contest for available vacant positions in the Committee as in Clause 8.2; and
  4. Members are entitled to suggest or nominate Honorary Memberships to the Committee;
  5. Additionally, members shall carry the following benefits:
    1. Members are entitled to use the Centre to further the purpose of Drukpa Australia;
    2. Where possible, members can access the Centre(s) for prostration, offering, prayer, and meditations;
    3. Members shall also have access to books and other digital resources such as photos, videos, and audios displayed in the Centre; and
    4. Where possible, members may be offered discounted tickets when participating in events (e.g., meditation and pilgrimage) organised by Drukpa Australia, which require individual payment.

Member Obligations

  1. Members must abide by the Code of Conduct elaborated in Clause 5.2;
  2. Inform the Committee if a members intends (or required by law) to leave Australia permanently or make a notice of absence if a member chooses to leave Australia for up to a year, beyond which the absence will be deemed permanent;
  3. Members should abide by relevant provisions of this Constitution and any other by-laws established by the Committee; and
  4. Members should also respect Australian values and obey the laws of Australia at all times.

Resignation & Termination

The Committee may resolve to remove a member from its register in the following circumstances:
  1. If a member voluntarily resigns from being a member and that the submission has been made in writing to the Committee;
  2. If a member permanently leaves Australia;
  3. In case of a demise;
  4. In case of non-renewal of membership up on adequate written notice or temporarily suspend the membership until a such time a member chooses to ignore notice;
  5. If found involved in conducts that are in violation of Australian State and Federal Laws and that such conducts have the potential to damage the reputation of Drukpa Australia.

Dispute Resolution

In the event of a dispute arising between member(s) or Committee member(s), or between a member (or Committee member) and theDrukpa Australia, the following procedure shall apply:
  1. The parties to the dispute shall attempt to resolve the dispute amicably within 30 days of the dispute arising;
  2. If the dispute is not resolved under Clause 6.1a, those involved must inform the Committee in writing within 10 days;
  3. The Committee shall endeavour to resolve the disputes in the best interest of the parties involved;
  4. In case, if the Committee is not able to resolve the dispute, the Committee shall within 10 days refer the matter to the Office of Spiritual Authority; and
  5. The decision of the Spiritual Authority shall be final and binding on the parties involved.

Disciplinary Procedures

  1. The Committee may resolve to warn, suspend or expel members if the Committee so believes that
    • the member(s) (including any of the Committee members) has breached this constitution, or
    • the member‘s (including Committee member’s) behaviour is causing or is likely to cause harm to Drukpa Australia or the Spiritual Authority.
  2. However, the Committee must notify the member in writing on their intention to warn, suspend or expel. The member must also been given a chance to explain their action or behaviour either through writing or speaking at the meeting. After considering the explanation or no explanation, the Committee may, on the recommendation of the Spiritual Authority:
    • Take no further action; or
    • Warn the member in writing; or
    • Suspend the membership for a period of no more than 12 months; or
    • Expel the member
  3. The Committee shall not impose pecuniary penalty in the exercise of its disciplinary power.

General Meeting

A general meeting, called the annual general meeting shall be held annually, and the business of the meeting shall include the following minimum:
  1. Review Drukpa Australia‘s activities and finances;
  2. Review auditor’s report;
  3. Nominate and/or election of Committee members for any vacant positions created due to end of Office term or resignation or removal;
  4. Appointment of Auditors, if any;
  5. Present Drukpa Australia‘s aspiration for the forthcoming year, including a list of proposed activities/events;
  6. Discuss pending or imminent issues relating to Drukpa Australia and its members; and
  7. Give members a reasonable opportunity and time to ask questions or make comments about the management of Drukpa Australia.

Special General Meeting

The Committee shall convene General Meeting once in every six months. Special general meeting other than the annual general meeting may be called if:
  1. The Committee so believes that one or more of their resolutions require urgent support from the members; or
  2. No less than 25% of its members request for a general meeting to be held;

Notice of Meeting

The notice of a general meeting must be given in writing (either through SMS texts, quarterly newsletters or emails or social media groups such as facebook and wechat) to all the members who are entitled to vote at the meeting and the auditor (if any) and must be provided at least before:
  • 21 days prior to an annual general meeting; or
  • 14 days or less if agreed by 5% of members willing to participate, in case of special general meetings.
And that the notice of the general meeting must include:
  1. the time, date, and location for the meeting;
  2. the business of meeting with a set agenda; and
  3. a call for proposals and issues that can be discussed.

Quorum at General Meetings

  1. For a general meeting to be held, at least 25% of the members must be present in person for the whole meeting;
  2. No business may be conducted at a general meeting one hour of the stated time set for that meeting, the general meeting shall be adjourned to a later date as specified by the Chair and in no less than 14 days; and
  3. If no quorum is present at the resumed meeting within the first one hour, the meeting may be cancelled and business shall be reviewed by the Committee, in presence of a Auditor.

Chair & the Role

  1. The members present at the general meeting shall nominate a Committee member or a senior member to be Chair of the next general meeting;
  2. The Chair is responsible for the conduct of the general meeting, and for this purpose must give its members a reasonable opportunity to make comments and ask questions in accordance with Clause 7.1g.

Resolutions & Minutes of the Meetings

Committee member, by the appointment of the Committee shall keep minutes of all general meetings of Drukpa Australia and shall:
  1. Record a list of members present at each meeting;
  2. Compile all resolutions and record of proceedings of each meeting;
  3. Confirm the minutes of meeting at the next general meeting and get it signed by the incoming Chair and the Lead Coordinator(s); and
  4. Distribute a notice of proposed resolution to the members via email, SMS text, or by any other means (e.g., social media groups),

The Management

  1. The business and operations of Drukpa Australia shall be managed and governed by a Management Committee (herein referred to as the Committee);
  2. The Committee may, subject to any restrictions imposed by any Act or by this Constitution, exercise all such powers and functions as may be exercised by Drukpa Australia;
  3. Subject to any restrictions imposed by any Act or by this Constitutions, has power to perform all such acts and things as appear to the Committee to be essential for the proper management of the business and operations of Drukpa Australia;
  4. The Committee must have at least nine and no more than 17, for the proper management and operation of Drukpa Australia;
  5. The Committee members must be a full membership for at least 12 months to be considered for nomination;
  6. The Committee may form or constitute sub-committees or other voluntary groups, when necessary, consisting of the members to conduct activities in furthering the Drukpa Australia objectives; and
  7. All members of the Committee shall be volunteers and Drukpa Australia is not required to pay them for their service. A Committee member must, however, be present in at least two Committee meetings in a year held quarterly and the general meeting.


The Committee shall consists of:
  1. Two Lead Coordinators;
  2. Two Finance Coordinators;
  3. Two Teaching Coordinators;
  4. Two Pilgrimage Coordinators;
  5. Two Event Coordinators;
  6. Two Publication & Warehouse Coordinators;
  7. Two Media Coordinators;
  8. Two Multicultural Coordinators; and
  9. One Personal Assistant to Spiritual Authority,
The responsibilities are elaborated in Clause 9.

Terms of Office

  1. Members of the Committee shall be duly endorsed by the Spiritual Authority for a duration of two years in accordance with Clause ; and
  2. No Committee member shall occupy the same position for more than two terms.

Resignation & Termination

  1. Committee member may voluntarily resign provided that the resignation has been put in writing and that the Committee has approved it; and
  2. Clause 5.6 shall apply to all Committee members.

Vacant Positions

  1. The vacant position created as a result of resignation, removal, death, or temporary absence as in Clause 8.2 shall be announced as casual vacancy to the members; and
  2. The vacancy will be filled as soon as may be practical in accordance with Clause 8.3a of this constitution.

Proceedings of the Committee

  1. The Committee shall meet together on a quarterly basis with the first meeting held no later than second month of the year or at such times as it is deemed advisable for the despatch of Drukpa Australia‘s business.
  2. The Committee meetings should be called for by the Lead Coordinators or the Chair at least one week in advance of its place, time, duration, and a set agenda by a notice of email or announcements via social media;
  3. The quorum for a meeting of the Committee shall be one-third of its total strength, and the participation of the members by video conferencing or by other audio visual means shall also be counted for the purposes of quorum;
  4. The Committee meeting shall take place only if the required quorum in Clause 8.6c is reached.
  5. In case of an absence, the members shall advise the Lead Coordinators or the Chair well before the meeting;
  6. The Committee shall decide to resign or relieve its member(s) through a notice of writing if any of its members is absent from the quarterly Committee meetings three times in succession;
  7. The Committee shall cause minutes of all meetings to be made and shall include:
    • A list of Committee members present at each meeting
    • Resolutions and records of the proceedings of all meeting
  8. Minutes of each meeting shall be made available within 14 days and shall be confirmed at the next succeeding meeting unless the resolutions adopted require urgent action; and
  9. The Committee shall at the end of meeting appoint the Chair of the next succeeding meeting who will then become responsible for calling the next Committee meeting.

Lead Coordinators

The two lead coordinators shall:
  1. Coordinate the overall function of Drukpa Australia, including calling for and presiding at the regular and special assembly;
  2. Work together with other Committee members in planning the Drukpa Australia activities;
  3. Monitor the conduct of rest of members of the Committee;
  4. Liaise with the Finance Coordinators to ensure that Drukpa Australia can meet the resources of all planned/unplanned activities;
  5. Officially and legally represent Drukpa Australia in public and other related functions, including appealing for funds and donations;
  6. Liaise with the Office of Spiritual Authority in planning the visits of the Spiritual Authority to Perth and other parts of Australia, as well as the resident teachers and other Buddhist masters duly recommended for by the Spiritual Authority;
  7. Present candidates elected during the general meetings to the Office of the Spiritual Authority, for appointment;
  8. Liaise with all stake-holders and sponsors;
  9. Be familiar with the responsibilities of all the Committee members;
  10. Present a report on Drukpa Australia activities, financial statements, and a list of existing assets to the Office of Spiritual Authority; and
  11. Manage protocol and diplomatic affairs of the Spiritual Authority in Perth and Australia, in collaboration with the Personal Assistant

Finance & Accounts

The two Finance Coordinators shall work together to carry out the financial operations of Drukpa Australia, including:
  1. Control and authorisation of expenditure in consultation with the lead coordinators;
  2. Being present at all Committeegeneral meetings in planning and preparing the budget of the Drukpa Australia;
  3. Proactively liaising with the Lead Coordinator(s) and other members of the Committee in fulfilling the financial requirements of all planned and unplanned activities of Drukpa Australia;
  4. Preparing and presenting annual and quarterly financial statements as in Clause 11.2a;
  5. Maintaining records of sponsors and present their names to the Committee as and when asked to do so;
  6. Ensuring that all donations received are officially acknowledged either personally or publicly through text messages, email, newsletters, or social media;
  7. Ensuring that all pending bills and charges related to Drukpa Australia and its activities are paid in time; and
  8. Maintaining the custody of books and securities of Drukpa Australia.

Event & Fund Raising

The Event Coordinators shall be responsible for:
  1. Coordinating and managing all planned and unplanned activities of Drukpa Australia;
  2. Together with the Lead Coordinators, prepare announcements of the planned Drukpa Australia events at least two weeks before time to inform the members and the general public, if appropriate;
  3. Proposing fund raising ideas to the Committee and planning and coordinating such activities;
  4. Where applicable, delegate fund raising activities to sub-committees. Funds generated from fund raising activities shall be handed to the Finance Coordinators and that Lead Coordinators are informed;
  5. Together with the Lead Coordinators, issuing appeals for donations in time to conduct any planned and unplanned Drukpa Australia activities;
  6. Collaborating with the Association of Bhutanese in Perth (ABPI) and other relevant organisations when planning large public events in Perth and other parts of Australia;
  7. Proposing activities to the Committee that add in furthering the objectives of Drukpa Australia; and
  8. Identifying and proposing charitable activities in Perth and other parts of the world.

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Teaching, Practice & Meditation

The Teaching Coordinators shall endeavour to:
  1. Plan and prepare a quarterly schedule of teaching (s), practices, and meditation, in consultation of the Lead Coordinators, and the Resident Teacher, if present;
  2. Coordinate and manage all planned and unplanned events as said above. Managing unplanned events include requests for special prayers from members or the general public;
  3. Inform the members and general public, where appropriate, of all the planned and unplanned events as in 9.3b;
  4. Work together with the Event Coordinators to conduct special and other Buddhist functions;
  5. In the presence of a Resident Teacher, in addition to the above, ensure:
    1. to brief the teacher(s) of the planned activities;
    2. that all teachings, meditations, and practices are in line with the Drukpa Lineage;
    3. to plan for special activities and propose it to the Committee; and
    4. to provide material support to any visiting Resident Teacher(s) as in Clause 10.
  6. Inform the Finance Coordinators of any expenses that have incurred or may incur in carrying out the above functions.

Publication & Warehouse

The two Publication and Warehouse Coordinators will primarily focus on managing the physical and digital assets of Drukpa Australia, which include the objects (such as Statues, Thangkas, Paintings, Books, Photos, Water bowls, among others) displayed in the altar and other settings (such as furniture and utensils) stored in the Centre. Additional responsibilities include:
  1. Keeping a proper record of all the physical and digital assets of Drukpa Australia as mentioned above;
  2. Arranging for and making available the required materials (including prayer books and furniture) for all the planned and unplanned activities of Drukpa Australia;
  3. Marketing and Sale of religious objects such as prayer books, magazines, digital songs and videos during pubic events. The accounts shall be duly submitted to the Committee; and
  4. Arranging for translations of texts of teachings and practices into English, where no previous translations exists.


The Media Coordinators shall be responsible for:
  1. Publishing articles, where possible and quarterly newsletters about the past and upcoming Drukpa Australia events and activities;
  2. developing infographics and social cards for the upcoming Drukpa Australia events; and
  3. Maintaining the Drukpa Australia website and other social media accounts created for the purpose of publishing planned and unplanned activities of Drukpa Australia.
All public announcements and sensitive media issues should be dealt in consultation with the Lead Coordinators.


The Multicultural Coordinators shall endeavour to communicate with people from varied cultural background and place, who harbour prior interest or devotion to Vajrayana Buddhism or are interested in taking refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha, and/or devote to the Vajrayana tradition. The coordinator shall, in addition to above:
  1. Communicate the objectives and aspirations of Drukpa Australia to the interested individuals or groups;
  2. Continuously work towards improving the social cohesion of Drukpa Australia‘s varied members;
  3. Disseminate quarterly newsletters and any other information to members of different cultural background, as approved by the Committee;
  4. Represent and speak on behalf of the identified individuals and groups; and
  5. Facilitate programmes to increase cohesion within the Drukpa Australia community.


The Pilgrimage Coordinators shall be in charge of planning and management of the planned pilgrimages in Perth and other areas across Australia. The coordinators will, in addition to the above:
  1. Identify and propose secret meditation and pilgrimages to the Committee for consideration;
  2. Organise member and public visits to other Buddhist monasteries in Perth and other parts of Australia, if required; and
  3. Coordinating members and other interested individuals/groups, with approval from the Committee, to attend major events, retreats, and Buddhist functions relating to the Drukpa Lineage and those duly recommended by the Spiritual Authority. This may include the Annual Drukpa Council (ADC), the Naropa Festival, and Pilgrimage trips to Druk Amitabha Buddha Mountain in Nepal, Bodh Gaya in North India, and hundreds and thousands of sacred monasteries across Bhutan.

Personal Assistant

The Spiritual Authority may appoint a senior members of Drukpa Australia to assist in matters that involve:
  1. Dealing with the protocols of VIPs and stakeholders regularly contribute to advancing the Drukpa Lineage;
  2. Arranging for and dealing with the protocols of visit to Perth and other parts of Australia;
  3. Coordinating Buddhist ceremonies for stakeholders and other organisations in Perth and Australia;
  4. Communicate opinions and advise of the Spiritual Authority to the Committee and vise versa; and
  5. Liaise with the Lead Coordinators and the Office of Spiritual Authority in advancing the objectives of Drukpa Australia.

A Spiritual Authority, on the request of the Committee shall designate a Resident Teacher for a fixed term of no more than five consecutive years. The resident teacher shall act as the representative of the Spiritual Authority, and shall:

  1. Continuously guide the members (and others, if any) in advancing spiritual empowerment through teaching, meditation, and practice;
  2. Work closely with the Teaching Coordinators to plan and execute the objectives of spiritual empowerment as above;
  3. Conduct special Buddhist ceremonies at the Centre and at other locations on the request of the Committee;
  4. Conduct prayers and ceremonies at the residences on the request of member(s);
  5. Work towards bringing together the Drukpa Community;
  6. Participate in and offer suggestions in the Committee meetings;
  7. Closely work with the rest of members of the Committee on the advancement of Drukpa Australia; and
  8. Advise the (Office of) Spiritual Authority of progress on matters such as teaching and meditation.

The resident teacher shall however, refrain for assuming matters related to the administrative functions and financial matters of Drukpa Australia, and all donations made to the Centre by member(s) or others should be duly handed to the Finance Coordinators.

Financial Year

Drukpa Australia’s financial year shall end on the 30\textsuperscript{th of June in each year.


The following provisions shall apply in respect of the Drukpa Australia‘s account:
  1. The two Finance Coordinators shall work together to keep records of all financial transactions of Drukpa Australia and shall prepare a quarterly and an annual financial statement to the Committee and the annual general meeting, respectively;
  2. The accounts of Drukpa Australia shall be audited from time to time as the Committee shall in its absolute discretion decide in accordance with the laws in force;
  3. In Auditing the account, the Committee shall appoint a qualified accountant as the auditor, and only for the duration of the audit; and
  4. The records and document of Drukpa Australia may be open for inspection by its members subject to procedures framed by Drukpa Australia.


  1. Any real estate property in the name of Drukpa Australia shall be insured under the standard insurance policy;
  2. The Committee shall, on the recommendation of the Resident Teacher, choose to insure some or all objectives displayed or stored at the Centre; and
  3. The Committee shall purchase Public Liability Insurance or similar insurance polices on a periodic basis or for one-off events to compensate third parties for personal injury and third party property damage caused by or due to Drukpa Australia‘s activities.
  1. The Constitution may be amended from time to time to improve or alter its objectives and other relevant sections and to comply with the Association Incorporation Acts;
  2. The Constitution shall be amended only at a special general meeting which has been duly called for this purpose, or at the annual general meeting, provided that notice has been given for that meeting and that the approval of the Spiritual Authority has been obtained by the Committee prior to the notice served;
  3. The Constitution shall be amended by a resolution passed by a majority vote of members at a general meeting. Resolutions adopted at special general meetings shall require at least one half of its members present. The members shall be deemed to have been sufficiently advised of any proposed change to the Constitution if there has been a notice published in any journal, paper or other publication including electronic mail and social media forum of Drukpa Australia, circulated to all of its members and outlining such changes;
  4. All amendments adopted during the general meeting shall be submitted to the Office of the Spiritual Authority for Counsel; and
  5. The amended Constitution, once approved by the Spiritual Authority, shall then become final and binding and shall be duly submitted to the relevant State Department.


general meeting may, by a vote of $3/4$ (or three-fourth) majority of members, resolve to dissolve the Drukpa Australia. The Committee must seek advise from the Spiritual Authority for alternative actions before calling for a special general meeting for this purpose.

Distribution of Surplus Assets

In winding up, the Committee by the order of a special general meeting appoint a Liquidator to settle all its debts and liabilities (if any). Any surplus assets, after such dissolution and the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, must:
  1. Not be distributed to a member or a former member of Drukpa Australia, unless a member or former member is a charity described below; and
  2. Subject to the Associations Incorporation Act and any other applicable Act, and any court order, transfer or donate to an entity which is a member of Drukpa Australia and pursues similar objectives to Drukpa Australia